
It’s one thing to just tell yourself to take it easy and it’s another to actually take steps to reduce the things in your life that are causing your stress.  So here are a few more things you can do right now:

6.  Get over it.  Sometimes there are things that you just cannot do anything about. Whether it’s a job loss, a divorce, whatever. You just have to move on with your life and make a conscious decision that the situation is simply out of your human control.

7.  That last one can be difficult, so, if you need to, find someone to talk to.  It doesn’t have to be a professional counselor (although that might be called for in some situations) but a good friend or an understanding spouse.
And need I say that drugs, alcohol or even cigarettes are not the way to relieve stress.  These will only come back to haunt you.  Stress may never be eliminated, but you can reduce it and manage it with a little effort on your part.
For more information please contact Santa Clarita Karate at 661-296-0911.

Santa Clarita Magazine

Santa Clarita Magazine