Faith in Uncertain Times

by | Feb 24, 2021 | Community

Having faith in uncertain times is never easy, but that’s when we need it most. Until a year ago we could practically lead our lives on cruise control, going through the same motions every day. Then, the unexpected pandemic turned our routines upside down. We had to change everything about how we work, study, shop, dine, travel, entertain or celebrate life’s milestones. The idea of the whole world suddenly social distancing behind masks seemed stranger than fiction a year ago, yet it was real; and we lived through it.
This month, Jewish families around the world will celebrate Passover, retelling the story in which 600,000 Israelites were in front of the Red Sea on their way to the Promised Land. Finding themselves between a rock and a hard place (more like between a vast sea and the Egyptian army chasing them), the Israelites cried out to the Almighty asking for His help. The Almighty responded:” Why are you crying out to Me?” He reminded them that they already have what it takes to make it through. The Israelites didn’t know that they possessed the power within. They thought that strength comes only from external forces. Of course, it takes a mind shift, determination, courage, and a lot of faith to be the first one to jump into the cold water. But someone had to do it.
At times when we feel hopeless and helpless, we aren’t aware that we do have the power, the inner strength to help ourselves if we only tap within. Yes, we sometimes need assistance and shouldn’t be afraid to ask for help. But the first step is making that decision to help ourselves.
Challenging times force us to adapt and navigate, leading us to become stronger and wiser. As Saint Augustine said, “Faith is to believe in what we do not see; the reward for this kind of faith is to see what we believe.” This past year was something we had to go through just to come out of it with a deeper appreciation, awareness, and understanding of what’s important in our lives. Invite hope and faith into your life, trust the process, and you’ll certainly create a brighter outlook and more positive outcome.
Naomi Young is an educator of Jewish studies and a Bar/ Bat mitzvah tutor in Santa Clarita for 38 years. She’s also a published writer and an artist. Contact her at Visit her art website at



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Naomi Young

Naomi Young