
As Valentines Day approaches, I have been thinking about something nice I can do for the special people in my life.  I was in my backyard and thought to myself, what if I could combine two things I love, gardening and making crafts?  I was surfing the net and I came across a craft site that featured the “Heart of Grass”.  Immediately I was excited!  The “Heart of Grass” is a great way for me to show my loved ones how much they mean to me. The “Heart of Grass” is a small patch of grass that grows in the shape of a heart.  It is similar to a Chia pet.


When you give someone a heart of grass you are asking him or her to care for it because grass cannot grow without some attention and nurturing.  This also symbolizes my relationships with my loved ones.  Every great relationship needs a little attention and nurturing in order for it to grow, right?  With Valentines Day around the corner, I want the people I cherish to know that I care about them and I want our relationships to grow.  This Valentines Day, make your loved ones their own hearts of grass and let them know how much you care.  It’s really very easy.

Materials Needed:
Heart-shaped cookie cutter
New sponge
Grass seed
Plastic wrap
Colored marker
Plant mister (optional)

The first materials you will need are the cookie cutter, sponge and marker.  Using the marker, trace the shape of the cookie cutter onto the sponge.  Using the scissors cut out the shape you have made on the sponge.  Keep the “heart” shape you have cut out and throw away the leftover sponge.  Make sure to wash the sponge clean of all pre-treated disinfectants.  They will not allow your grass to grow properly if not washed thoroughly.  Now you must let the sponge dry completely.  This will most likely take overnight, but it all depends on what time you start your project.

Once your sponge has dried completely, you’re now going to dampen it with tap water.  Do not use bottled water because the filters the water companies use can remove some of the minerals that help grass grow.  Place your dampened heart sponge inside the cookie cutter.  Sprinkle grass seed onto the sponge and spray with the plant mister.  If you do not have a plant mister, grab a clean spray bottle and add tap water.  Use the strongest mist you can discharge from the spray bottle.  You don’t want to soak your seeds.  Too much water can make them not grow at all.  Now place plastic wrap over the top of the cookie cutter and put the heart on the saucer or plate, so you can make the instruction card.  Put the directions to care for their heart of grass on the card and present it to them.  Explain that they may remove the plastic when the shoots of grass appear.  Watch the look and surprise on their faces when they see what a truly unique Valentines gift they have been given.

If you have a gardening or craft idea you’d like to share with me, e-mail me at

Santa Clarita Magazine

Santa Clarita Magazine