
The season for colds is upon us.  Many parents, unaware of alternate remedies, will reach for over-the-counter (OTC) cough and cold medications for symptomatic relief for their children.  However, reports of deaths associated with decongestants and antihistamines in children, most younger than age two, prompted the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to issue a public health advisory earlier this year recommending against the administration of OTC cough and cold medications to children ages two and younger.  Manufacturers voluntarily pulled related products from the marketplace, ultimately announcing on October 7 that they would change their product labels to warn against giving cough and cold medications to children ages four years and younger.  The FDA is further investigating the advisability of extending the ban on pediatric cough and cold products to include children as old as eleven.

Thankfully, we don’t have to watch our children suffer.  The key to providing relief is in loosening the congestion that makes them miserable, and ridding their bodies of it.  The use of steam accomplishes this safely, naturally and effectively.  For best results, steaming should be done upon waking, during the day and before bed.  Sit with infants and young children in the bathroom with the door closed and the hot water running for 10 to 15 minutes, while intermittently using a bulb syringe to clear the nasal passages.  With adult supervision, older children can use a facial steamer or pot of steaming water, regularly blowing their nose for maximum relief.  While steaming, clap on your child’s chest and back forcefully with an open hand to help loosen the mucous so it can be coughed up.  Additionally, using a hot steam vaporizer to create a warm, humid environment and sleeping in a slightly inclined position allows for easier breathing during sleep.  Be sure to air the room out well during the day to prevent the growth of mold, and use caution around steam vaporizers, placing them and their steam well out of reach of young children.  Also, consider using either eucalyptus or lavender oils in facial steamers, pots of hot water or some vaporizers to clear up the congestion faster.  Please remember to encourage twice as much liquid as usual to help thin secretions and prevent dehydration.

For more information on natural cold remedies and wellness care, please contact Dr. Jeff Willis of Aligned Health Chiropractic at 661-295-5200.

Santa Clarita Magazine

Santa Clarita Magazine